
Address: 27 Welbeck Street, London, W1G 8EN
Tel: 020 7101 3377

Abnormal liver enzymes

Abnormal liver enzymes

The pre­sence of abnormal liver e­nzymes in a blood test signifies that the­ liver is under stress or e­xperiencing damage, impacting its ability to function corre­ctly. The liver enzyme­s most frequently evaluate­d are Alanine Transaminase (ALT), Aspartate­ Transaminase (AST), Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP), and Gamma-glutamyl Transfe­rase (GGT). Elevated le­vels of these e­nzymes indicate the pre­sence of inflammation, injury, or liver dise­ases. Elevated ALT and AST le­vels suggest liver ce­ll injury or death. Increased ALP le­vels may indicate bile duct obstruction or ce­rtain bone disorders. Elevate­d GGT levels are associate­d with alcohol consumption, liver disease, or bile­ duct obstruction

Causes of Abnormal Liver Enzymes

Several conditions and factors can lead to elevated liver enzymes, including but not limited to:

  • Alcoholic and Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease (NAFLD): Accumulation of fat in liver cells, leading to inflammation and damage.
  • Viral Hepatitis: Infections such as hepatitis A, B, and C can cause liver inflammation and elevate enzyme levels.
  • Medications and Toxins: Certain prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, and substances like alcohol can cause liver damage.
  • Autoimmune Liver Diseases: Conditions where the immune system attacks the liver, including autoimmune hepatitis, primary biliary cholangitis, and primary sclerosing cholangitis.
  • Metabolic Disorders: Such as hemochromatosis (excess iron storage) and Wilson’s disease (excess copper storage).
  • Liver Cirrhosis: Advanced scarring of the liver due to various liver diseases.
  • Bile Duct Obstructions: Blockages in the ducts that carry bile from the liver can lead to increased ALP levels.
  • Liver Cancer: Primary or metastatic liver cancer can affect liver enzyme levels.


Many individuals with elevated liver enzymes do not exhibit symptoms, especially in the early stages of liver disease. When symptoms do appear, they may include fatigue, weight loss, jaundice (yellowing of the skin and eyes), dark urine, light-colored stools, abdominal pain or swelling, and itching.


In addition to liver enzyme tests, healthcare providers may use other tests to diagnose the underlying cause of the abnormal results, including:

  • Complete Blood Count (CBC): To assess overall health and detect signs of infection.
  • Imaging Tests: Such as ultrasound, CT scans, or MRI to visualize the liver and detect abnormalities like fatty liver, tumors, or cysts.
  • Liver Biopsy: To evaluate the extent of liver damage and inflammation by examining a small tissue sample under a microscope.
  • Viral Hepatitis Tests: To check for hepatitis infections.
  • Autoantibody Tests: To identify autoimmune liver diseases.


Treatment for abnormal liver enzymes focuses on addressing the underlying cause:

  • Lifestyle Changes: Reducing alcohol consumption, losing weight, and adopting a healthy diet can help manage liver diseases like fatty liver disease.
  • Medication Adjustments: Changing or discontinuing medications that may be causing liver damage, under medical supervision.
  • Treating Infections: Using antiviral or antibiotic medications to treat viral or bacterial infections affecting the liver.
  • Managing Chronic Conditions: Controlling conditions like diabetes and high cholesterol, which can contribute to liver problems.
  • Autoimmune Treatments: Immunosuppressive drugs may be used for autoimmune liver diseases.

It’s essential for individuals with abnormal liver enzyme levels to work closely with their healthcare provider to determine the cause and appropriate treatment plan. Regular monitoring and lifestyle adjustments play a crucial role in managing liver health and preventing further damage.

Why Choose London Private Ultrasound?

At London Private Ultrasound, we prioritize your health and comfort. Our team of experienced radiologists and healthcare professionals are dedicated to providing the highest quality of care. Here’s why you should choose us:

  • Expert Radiologists: Our team consists of highly trained and experienced radiologists who are experts in ultrasound diagnostics.
  • State-of-the-Art Technology: We use the latest ultrasound machines to ensure the highest level of accuracy in our scans.
  • Patient-Centered Care: We focus on creating a comfortable and stress-free environment for our patients.
  • Timely Results: We understand the importance of quick diagnosis and provide fast and reliable results.
  • Convenient Location: Located in the heart of London, our clinic is easily accessible.

Book Your Ultrasound Scan Today

At London Private Ultrasound, we are committed to providing high-quality diagnostic services with a patient-centered approach. Our expert radiologists and cutting-edge technology ensure that you receive the best possible care.

Don’t wait to get the answers you need. Book your abdomen or pelvic ultrasound scan today by contacting us at:

Address: 27 Welbeck Street, London, W1G 8EN
Tel: 020 7101 3377

You can also schedule an appointment online through our website. Experience the convenience, comfort, and expertise at London Private Ultrasound.

We look forward to assisting you with your healthcare needs and ensuring you receive the best possible diagnostic care.

London Private Ultrasound Clinic

At London Private Ultrasound all our services, our specialists and us using the latest Ultrasound technology is designed to deliver the greatest possible experience for all our patients and visitors.

We are conveniently located in Welbeck Street, a stone’s throw from the famous Harley Street and our clinic is a place where you will be welcomed by our friendly staff and feel comfortable in our safe, clean, and reassuring environment.

Address: 27 Welbeck Street, London, W1G 8EN
Tel020 7101 3377

