
Address: 27 Welbeck Street, London, W1G 8EN
Tel: 020 7101 3377

Anomaly/Anatomy Ultrasound Scan

Pregnancy Anomaly/anatomy scan (19-23 Weeks) Price: £165

Second Trimester Anomaly Scan: Comprehensive Assessment for Your Baby’s Well-Being (19-23 weeks).

The second trimester anomaly scan is a pivotal milestone in pregnancy, offering detailed assessment of your baby’s anatomy and growth. Typically performed between 19 weeks and 23 weeks, this examination is one of the two routine ultrasound assessments provided by the NHS as part of prenatal care.

What does the scan entail?

Performed by one of our qualified sonographers, the scan aims to meticulously assess the development of the fetus and detect potential abnormalities. It screens for 11 physical fetal conditions, carefully examining various organs and systems of the fetus including the brain, spine, heart, stomach, kidneys, limbs, among others.

The test includes a comprehensive assessment of:

  • Fetal anatomy
  • Fetal Growth against expected gestational age.
  • Amniotic fluid and placenta assessment
  • Same day report and digital images
  • Gender confirmation (optional)


Benefits and limitations:

Early detection of fetal abnormalities facilitates timely medical interventions or preparations, empowering parents to make informed decisions about their pregnancy and birth plan. It can provide vital information that may prompt further, more focused assessments and referral to a fetal medicine specialist. However, it is essential to recognise that while the second trimester anomaly scan is highly accurate, it serves as a screening test and may not detect all possible fetal abnormalities. Therefore, ongoing prenatal care and communication with healthcare providers remain essential throughout pregnancy.

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An anomaly Scan, also known as Mid-Pregnancy Scan or 20-Week Scan, is a detailed 2D ultrasound imaging, usually performed between 19 to 23 weeks of pregnancy. The purpose of this scan is to screen for 11 rare congenital conditions.
Anomaly Scan is routinely preformed between 19 - 23 weeks of pregnancy.
Prior to 18 weeks of pregnancy, your baby’s organs are not large enough to allow for a detailed scan.
It is not mandatory to have this scan. However, many parents opt for this scan to find out if their little one has a congenital disease.
During an Anomaly Scan, the sonographer will look for 11 congenital diseases affecting your baby’s brain, spinal cord, heat, face, kidney, bones and abdomen.
Some congenital defects are easier to identify than others. For instance, “Spina Bifida”, a condition affecting the baby’s spinal cord, can often be visualized clearly. Thus, Anomaly Scan can pick up 9 out of 10 cases of Spina Bifida. Opposingly, heart defects are more difficult to identify. Consequently, Anomaly Scan is only 50% accurate in detecting congenital heart conditions.
We can look for Down Syndrome during an Anomaly Scan. However, it is only 50 % accurate. First Trimester Screening, which includes Nuchal Translucency Scan and blood tests, is more sensitive to detect Down Syndrome (94 % accuracy). At Private London Ultrasound, we offer both the Anomaly Scan and First Trimester Screening.
The anatomy Scan is performed transabdominally (on top of your tummy), for which we advise to have comfortably filled bladder.
• You will be asked a series of questions related to your estimated date of deliver (EDD) or assisted conception dates and symptoms you are presenting with • Perform the Ultrasound scan and take high quality representative images • Explain ultrasound findings and answer your questions or concerns within our scope of practice • A digital copy of the report, complete with relevant images will be emailed directly to you on the same day as your appointment.’ • Recommend a follow-up ultrasound scan if necessary • Offer GP or specialist referral and a Blood Test if deemed necessary