
Address: 27 Welbeck Street, London, W1G 8EN
Tel: 020 7101 3377

Bladder Ultrasound Scan

Detailed Bladder Ultrasound Scan - £175.00

Bladder ultrasound is a non-invasive imaging technique used to evaluate the structure and function of the urinary bladder. At London Private Ultrasound in Central London, we offer advanced bladder ultrasound services to provide comprehensive evaluation and personalized care for individuals with bladder health concerns. Let’s delve into the uses, benefits, and diagnostic applications of bladder ultrasound:

Uses and Benefits:

  • Bladder Evaluation: Bladder ultrasound is primarily used to assess the bladder’s size, shape, wall thickness, and urine volume. 
  • Assessment of Bladder Function: Ultrasound evaluates bladder function by measuring post-void residual (PVR) urine volume, which helps diagnose urinary retention and assess bladder emptying efficiency. 

Diagnostic Applications:

  • Urinary Retention Assessment: Bladder ultrasound measures post-void residual urine volume to assess bladder emptying efficiency and diagnose urinary retention. It helps differentiate between obstructive and non-obstructive causes of urinary retention.
  • Bladder Stone Detection: Ultrasound detects bladder stones by visualizing echogenic foci within the bladder lumen. It helps determine the size, number, and location of bladder stones and guides treatment decisions.
  • Bladder Tumor Identification: Ultrasound identifies suspicious bladder masses or tumors as focal wall thickening or intraluminal masses. It helps assess tumor size, location, and extent of invasion into the bladder wall.
  • Bladder Wall Evaluation: Ultrasound measures bladder wall thickness and assesses bladder wall irregularities or thickening, which may indicate inflammation, infection, or bladder wall tumors.
  • Monitoring Bladder Conditions: Ultrasound monitors changes in bladder size, shape, and wall thickness over time, assessing treatment response and guiding ongoing management decisions for bladder conditions.

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