
Address: 27 Welbeck Street, London, W1G 8EN
Tel: 020 7101 3377

Essential Health Packages

Our Essential Health Packages offer comprehensive health screenings tailored for optimal women and male health. These include physical exams, detailed blood tests, heart evaluations, prostate screening, hormone analysis, diabetes management, and personalized lifestyle consultations. With advanced diagnostics and expert guidance, we help detect and prevent potential health issues early. 

Prioritize your health by booking our specialized packages. 

For more information and scheduling, contact us now.

All in One Health Check up Package - Price: £495

• Abdominal Ultrasound scan for a detailed evaluation of Liver, Biliary system, Gallbladder, Pancreas, Kidney, Spleen, and the Abdominal Aorta.
• GP Appointment for an overall consultation of your health with regards to the findings.
• Comprehensive Physical examination and Medical history by GP.
• Comprehensive Blood Test for overall health including organ’s function, Blood Sugar, cholesterol and lipid profile.
• Urine dip test which includes nitrite, leucocyte, glucose, protein, pH, ketones, and blood in urine.
• BMI Calculation and discussion.
• ECG for heart monitoring.
• Blood pressure check.
• Lifestyle Review.

GP Consultation: You’ll have a one-on-one consultation with our experienced General Practitioner (GP). They will conduct a thorough physical examination, assess your overall well-being, and discuss your medical history and concerns. During the consultation, our GP will carefully attend to your symptoms and issues, offering their expertise in managing long-term health conditions, suggesting preventive care measures, and addressing any immediate health issues you may be experiencing. Their assessments will include:

1)BMI Assessment: Your Body Mass Index (BMI) will be measured to evaluate your weight and its potential impact on your health.

2)Blood Pressure Check: We’ll assess your blood pressure to provide insights into your cardiovascular health.

3)Lifestyle Review: A comprehensive review of your lifestyle choices and habits, empowering you to make informed decisions for better health.

4)Diabetes Risk Assessment: We’ll gauge your susceptibility to diabetes, offering valuable guidance on prevention and management.

Comprehensive Blood Test: Our extensive panel of over 50 blood test readings includes Full Blood Count (FBC), Kidney Function Test, Liver Function Test, Cardiac Enzyme Levels, Bone Markers, Thyroid Function Test, Lipid Profile, CRP (C-Reactive Protein), Blood Sugar Levels, HbA1C, Ovarian or prostate Cancer factors and many more.

Purpose: This non-invasive ultrasound test is focused on evaluating the carotid arteries in your neck, which supply blood to the brain.

Importance: It helps identify any plaque buildup or narrowing in the arteries, which can significantly increase the risk of a stroke.

Procedure: Our skilled technicians use the latest ultrasound technology to provide a detailed view of your carotid arteries, ensuring a comfortable and efficient screening experience.

Comprehensive Blood Tests

Objective: To assess various health markers that could contribute to stroke risk.

Tests Included: The blood tests may include a lipid profile (to check cholesterol levels), blood sugar levels, and other relevant markers as per your health profile.

Significance: These tests help in identifying underlying conditions like high cholesterol or diabetes that can increase the risk of stroke.

GP Consultation

Review and Guidance: Following your ultrasound and blood tests, you will have a detailed consultation with one of our experienced General Practitioners (GPs).

Personalized Advice: Our GP will discuss the results with you, offering personalized advice on stroke prevention, lifestyle modifications, and, if necessary, medication management.

Price: £395.00                                                          More Info

  1. GP Consultation: (Available Only Friday’s)This includes checking vital signs such as heart rate, temperature, BMI, general physical examination, and assessing weight and height.
  2. Blood Test: To check cholesterol level.

  1. GP Consultation: (Available Only Friday’s)This includes checking vital signs such as heart rate, temperature, BMI, general physical examination, and assessing weight and height.
  2. Blood Test: To check the general package + Blood sugar tests.

£250.00                                                                More Info

  1. GP Consultation: This includes checking vital signs such as heart rate, temperature, BMI, general physical examination, and assessing weight and height.
  2. Blood Test:Like General plus package.
  3. Ultrasound Scan:Abdominal Ultrasound: for Fatty Liver and fatty pancreas Detection.

£375.00                                                          More Info

  1. GP Consultation: This includes checking vital signs such as heart rate, temperature, BMI, general physical examination, and assessing weight and height.
  2. Blood Test Extra: Like General plus package.
  3. Ultrasound Scan:
  • Abdominal Ultrasound: For Fatty Liver and fatty pancreas Detection.
  • Carotid Artery Doppler Ultrasound: To detect any narrowing or blockages in carotid and vertebral arteries, and significant stenosis.

£500.00                                                          More Info

  1. GP Consultation: This includes checking vital signs such as heart rate, temperature, BMI, general physical examination, and assessing weight and height.
  2. Blood Test Extra: Like General plus package.
  3. Ultrasound Scan:
  • Abdominal Ultrasound: for Fatty Liver and fatty pancreas Detection.
  • Carotid Artery Doppler Ultrasound: To detect any narrowing or blockages in carotid and vertebral arteries.
  • Heart Health Check-Up Assessment: This heart health check-up assessment includes echocardiography, electrocardiography, and a comprehensive heart physical examination with a cardiologist.

£750.00                                                          More Info

  1. GP Consultation:This includes checking vital signs such as heart rate, temperature, BMI, general physical examination, and assessing weight and height.
  2. Blood Test Extra: Like General plus package.
  3. Ultrasound Scan:
  • Abdominal Ultrasound: for Fatty Liver and fatty pancreas Detection.
  • Carotid Artery Doppler Ultrasound: To detect any narrowing or blockages in carotid and vertebral arteries.
  • Heart Health Check-Up Assessment: In the heart health check-up assessment we perform echocardiography, electrocardiography, and a comprehensive heart physical examination with a cardiologist.
  • Lower limb Arterial Doppler Ultrasound Scan: Arterial Doppler Ultrasound can help us diagnose Various conditions in your Arteries such as narrowing, blockages (Stenosis), Reduction of the blood flow, and Poor blood circulation or bulging following high cholesterol or Diabetes.

£1000.00                                                          More Info

  • Liver Ultrasound (The whole upper abdomen will be scanned in this package).
  • GP Consultation (15 min Consultation)
  • Blood Test:
    FBC with 5-part Diff, ESR, Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Bicarbonate, Urea, Creatinine, eGFR, Bilirubin, Alk Phos, AST, ALT, Gamma GT, Total Protein, Albumin, Globulin, LDH, CK, Calcium, Phosphate, Uric Acid, Glucose, Triglycerides, Cholesterol, Iron, Total Iron Binding, FT4/TSH, Ferritin, HDL Cholesterol, LDL Cholesterol, Non-HDL Cholesterol

£445.00                                                          More Info