
Address: 27 Welbeck Street, London, W1G 8EN
Tel: 020 7101 3377

General Pregnancy Q&A

The earliest reliable Ultrasound Scan to see the fetal heartbeat is six weeks pregnant. Before that, a pregnancy site can be confirmed around five weeks to exclude ectopic pregnancy.

The NHS offers 2 Ultrasound Scans for healthy pregnancies, and that is:

  • when you're 10 to 14 weeks pregnant (dating Ultrasound Scan which includes nuchal translucency Ultrasound Scan)
  • when you're 18 to 21 weeks pregnant (mid-pregnancy Ultrasound Scan, anomaly or anatomy Ultrasound Scan)

Depending on your health and pregnancy, you can be offered to do more ultrasound scans. You can have regular Ultrasound Scans in private clinics. However, 2-week gaps are advised between the Ultrasound Scans in the early stages and four weeks in the later stages for growth Ultrasound Scans.

Yes. Pregnancies as early as six weeks can be detected by ultrasound even if the person does not have any symptoms of pregnancy or does not believe that they could be pregnant.
The earliest an ultrasound can detect pregnancy is 17 days after ovulation (approximately three days after a missed period). Pregnancy tests and blood tests are more reliable in these stages. A very small pregnancy sac can be seen inside the uterus only to rule out the possibility of an ectopic.
No. However, you might experience light pink or dark brown spotting, even bleeding, during an early stage.
Yes. Ultrasound has been used for many years to monitor pregnancies. There is no radiation used in an ultrasound scan. It does not cause any health problems for the patient or the baby.
Yes. The clear ultrasound gel is not toxic and is safe during your ultrasound scan. It does not stain or otherwise ruin your clothes. It has no spermicide and can be used for fertility cases without effect on sperm and conception.
Having a tilted (retroverted, tipped) uterus might make checking your pregnancy through a transabdominal ultrasound a little tricky. However, a transvaginal ultrasound can detect your pregnancy status and site and your baby's heartbeat in early pregnancy.
Wear a comfortable 2- piece outfit (top and bottom) to easily expose your tummy for an ultrasound. You can eat as usual. You will be asked to drink at least one liter of water 1 hour before your appointment to ensure that you have a full bladder for the transabdominal ultrasound.
A full bladder allows the ultrasound to visualize the uterus and ovaries. It pushes the gas-filled loops of the bowel out of the way and opens a viewing window to the pelvis.
You will be asked to lie on your back with your tummy exposed. The sonographer will cover the examined area with ultrasound gel which guarantees smooth movement of the probe over the skin. An image of your baby will appear on the screen, and you will get a 2D picture to take home with you.
Yes. Sometimes, it is better than transabdominal ultrasound to detect your baby’s heartbeat. However, transvaginal ultrasound is only used in the first trimester.
Some cases occur when a twin pregnancy is missed on early ultrasound (around six weeks). However, when you reach 20 weeks, you will know how many babies you carry.
During the first trimester, all feti grow at a consistent rate. Your due date can be calculated with the help of an ultrasound that shows the exact measurements of your baby at around 12 weeks gestation, which is the booking and first screening Ultrasound Scan.
The results are discussed after your ultrasound and sent to your email on the same day.
Yes, a pregnancy of more than 5-6 weeks can be seen on a pelvic Ultrasound Scan.
  • missed or light period
  • feeling tired
  • feeling sick
  • tender/swollen breasts
  • frequent urination
  • strange cravings
  • if you have a tilted (tipped, retroverted uterus)
  • baby’s position
  • not having a full bladder
  • Having high BMI and excess fat in the lower pelvis.
Absolutely! Seeing your baby for the first or the twentieth time is always a beautiful experience. Here at London Private Ultrasound clinic, we want you to share it with your loved ones.