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Nuchal Translucency Pregnancy Q&A

Accordion Sample DescriptionNuchal translucency is an Ultrasound Scan performed between weeks 11 and 14. This Ultrasound Scan is used to determine if your baby is affected by genetic abnormalities such as Down’s syndrome (T21), Edward’s syndrome (T18), or Patau’s syndrome (T13). This is done by measuring the length of your baby (CRL), a fluid pocket on the back of your baby’s neck (all babies have this at this stage of pregnancy), and a blood test from your arm. The blood test will examine two hormones (Betta HCG and PAPPA ). Once we have all the information, the laboratory will be able to calculate an estimation of the chance of this baby being affected by one of these three chromosomal abnormalities. We will also need some information about you as the mother.
No. None of the pregnancy Ultrasound Scans is harmful to you or the baby. Ultrasounds have been used for many years to monitor pregnancies. As stated above, there is no radiation used in pelvic ultrasound. It does not cause any health problems for the patient or the baby.
You also need to have a full bladder for your 10 weeks Ultrasound Scan. It is advised to stay hydrated for this test but avoid drinking tea or coffee, which could make blood draw more difficult. It would help if you fasted before your appointment due to the blood test.
In London Private Ultrasound clinic, it is completed within 40 minutes.
This Ultrasound Scan is performed transabdominally. You will be asked to lie on your back with your tummy exposed. The sonographer will cover the examined area with ultrasound gel which guarantees smooth movement of the probe over the skin. An image of your baby will appear on the screen. Afterward, a blood sample is taken from the mother’s arm and sent to a laboratory to be examined.
Yes. The clear ultrasound gel is not toxic and is safe to use during your ultrasound scan. It does not stain or otherwise ruin your clothes. It has no spermicide and can be used for fertility cases without effect on sperm and conception.
The results are discussed verbally after your ultrasound and then sent to your email as a report on the same day.
No. It is a personal choice to have this ultrasound done. It is the first screening and dating test offered to all in the NHS in the UK.
Like any other test, there is a margin of error. NT screening is 65-85% reliable depending on how accurately it has been measured (a certified sonographer must measure NT) and the mother’s factors, such as smoking, body habitus, previous abnormal pregnancies, and race.
All babies have a small amount of fluid under the skin at the back of their neck, around 11-15 weeks of gestation, called nuchal translucency, which can be seen as a black space at the back of the neck on the Ultrasound Scan. This collection of fluid measures typically less than 3.5mm between 11 and 14 weeks of pregnancy.
You might feel slight discomfort due to your bladder being full for a transabdominal ultrasound. Moreover, you might feel a little pain when your blood is taken.
Yes. Nuchal translucency usually disappears after 14 weeks.