
Address: 27 Welbeck Street, London, W1G 8EN
Tel: 020 7101 3377

Reassurance Pregnancy Scan

Reassurance Ultrasound Scan (6-17 weeks) Price: £110

At London Private Ultrasound, our Reassurance Scan provides vital insights into your pregnancy’s well-being and progress, offering peace of mind, especially during the early stages when symptoms may not be apparent.

This comprehensive scan confirms normal pregnancy progression, ruling out complications such as miscarriage and ectopic pregnancy.

It also addresses symptoms such as bleeding, nausea, or discomfort, providing immediate clarity and relief.

Our service provides visual reassurance as our experienced sonographers carefully assess both mother and baby’s anatomy. Additionally, if not previously determined, we can estimate the delivery date, or ensure that the baby’s growth aligns with the expected date if already calculated.

Overall, our experienced sonographers ensure a comfortable and informative experience for expectant parents.

Book Online Reassurance Pregnancy Scan
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If you are unable to make a payment online, please call our office to book your appointment. We’re here to assist you!  Tel020 7101 3377

There are various reasons why you would wish to have a reassurance scan performed anytime after 8 weeks in your pregnancy:
  • Visualise or listen to your baby’s heartbeat (depending how far along you are)
  • Wishing to have one extra scan outside of NHS antenatal care provider to have one more bonding experience with your baby before the delivery
  • Have been experiencing leaking of fluid or some vaginal bleeding (in which case we also recommend to check your cervical length)
  • Have been feeling generally unwell and wish to make sure your baby’s unaffected
  • Have been feeling reduced baby movements
  • Wish to confirm baby’s lying head down
  • Wish to confirm there is enough fluid around your baby
  • You will be asked a series of questions related to your estimated date of deliver (EDD) or assisted conception dates and symptoms you are presenting with
  • Perform the Ultrasound scan and take high quality representative images
  • Explain ultrasound findings and answer your questions or concerns within our scope of practice
  • A digital copy of the report, complete with relevant images will be emailed directly to you on the same day as your appointment.
  • Recommend a follow-up ultrasound scan if necessary
  • Offer GP or specialist referral and a Blood Test if deemed necessary
The most common finding at this stage is a normally developing baby with normal appearances for this stage of the pregnancy. On a rare occasion, we may notice some structural abnormalities or other concerns, in which case you will be notified and advised to be referred to a tertiary centre for further evaluation.
In most cases a blood test will not be necessary, however in some situations we may recommend one.
Reassurance Scan is performed transabdominally (on top of your tummy), for which we advise to have a full bladder if you are under 16 weeks and nearly empty bladder if over 16 weeks in your pregnancy.
The Ultrasound Specialist will explain the procedure before your scan. A small amount of water-based gel will be applied to your tummy, so that the specialist will be able to produce high quality diagnostic ultrasound images and assess your baby. You should not feel any discomfort during your ultrasound scan. The Reassurance Ultrasound Scan is regularly completed within 15 minutes, depending on the position of your baby. Our Sonographer will recommend the best course of action depending on the ultrasound scan findings.
Following the examination, our experienced sonographer will discuss the ultrasound findings with you. A digital copy of the report, complete with relevant images will also be emailed directly to you on the same day as your appointment.
Ultrasound scan itself does not harm the pregnancy. Yours and your baby’s safety is one of our top priorities, therefore we strictly adhere to BMUS guidelines for the safe use of Diagnostic Ultrasound Equipment and scanning times, as well as respect ALARA principle (As Low As Reasonably Achievable).
The most common finding at this stage is a normally developing baby with normal appearances for this stage of the pregnancy. On a rare occasion, we may notice some structural abnormalities or other concerns, in which case you will be notified and advised to be referred to a tertiary centre for further evaluation. Reassurance Scan