
Address: 27 Welbeck Street, London, W1G 8EN
Tel: 020 7101 3377

Thyroid Ultrasound

Thyroid Ultrasound Scan-FAQ

Book Your Private Thyroid Ultrasound Scan

  1. Why do I need to do a thyroid ultrasound scan?

   – If you feel a lump in your neck (thyroid area) you can have a thyroid ultrasound scan. This scan is typically done to investigate abnormalities found during a physical exam or blood tests, such as an enlarged thyroid (goiter) or thyroid nodules. It can help determine whether a nodule is solid or fluid-filled and detect potential signs of thyroid cancer or other thyroid disorders. A thyroid ultrasound scan is used to evaluate the size, shape, and condition of the thyroid gland. It helps in diagnosing various thyroid conditions such as nodules, goiter, or cysts.

  1. Is a thyroid ultrasound scan painful?

   – No, A thyroid ultrasound is generally painless. You might feel slight discomfort from the pressure of the transducer, especially if your thyroid is tender or enlarged, but there should be no significant pain.

  1. How long does a thyroid ultrasound scan take?

   – Typically, a thyroid ultrasound scan takes around 20 minutes to complete.

  1. Will I need to prepare for a thyroid ultrasound scan?

   – No special preparation is needed for a thyroid ultrasound. You can eat and drink as usual and should take your regular medications. Wear comfortable clothing and avoid necklaces or clothing that may obstruct the neck area.

  1. What Happens During the Ultrasound?

– During the procedure, you’ll lie on an examination table with your neck extended slightly. A technician will apply a water-based gel to your neck to help transmit the sound waves. Then, a small handheld device called a transducer is moved over the skin of your neck, capturing images of your thyroid.

  1. Are there any risks associated with a thyroid ultrasound scan?

   – No, a thyroid ultrasound scan is considered safe and does not involve any exposure to radiation.

  1. What can a thyroid ultrasound scan diagnose?

   – A thyroid ultrasound scan can help diagnose various thyroid conditions, including nodules, goiter, thyroiditis, and thyroid cancer.

  1. What Happens After the Ultrasound?

There’s no downtime or special care required after a thyroid ultrasound. You can resume your normal activities immediately.

  1. Can I Undergo a Thyroid Ultrasound if I’m Pregnant?

Yes, thyroid ultrasounds are safe during pregnancy as they do not use radiation

  1. Will I receive the results of my thyroid ultrasound scan immediately?

Following your ultrasound, we promptly deliver an initial verbal summary of the findings to offer immediate insight. Subsequently, a comprehensive written report, accompanied by all relevant images, will be sent to you. We highly encourage you to promptly share this detailed report with your physician for an in-depth evaluation and to discuss any necessary next steps in your care.

  1. Can a thyroid ultrasound scan determine the cause of my thyroid symptoms?

    – While a thyroid ultrasound scan can provide valuable information about the structure of the thyroid gland, it may not always identify the specific cause of your symptoms. Additional tests and evaluations may be needed for a comprehensive diagnosis.