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Why Liver Fibroscan(Elastography)?

Liver FibroScan, also known as transient elastography, is a non-invasive medical imaging technique used to assess the stiffness or elasticity of the liver. It is primarily employed to evaluate the degree of liver fibrosis, which is the accumulation of scar tissue in the liver due to various chronic liver diseases. Here’s why Liver FibroScan (Elastography) is used:

  1. Non-invasive: Traditionally, the gold standard for assessing liver fibrosis has been liver biopsy, an invasive procedure that involves removing a small piece of liver tissue for examination. Liver FibroScan offers a non-invasive alternative to this procedure, reducing the associated risks and discomfort.
  2. Quick and Painless: The procedure is quick, usually taking around 5-10 minutes, and is painless for the patient. It involves placing a small probe on the skin over the liver region, and the probe emits low-frequency waves to measure the speed of shear waves as they travel through the liver tissue. This information is then used to calculate the liver’s stiffness, which is correlated with the degree of fibrosis.
  3. Monitoring Disease Progression: Liver FibroScan is useful for monitoring the progression of liver fibrosis over time. By performing regular FibroScan examinations, doctors can track changes in liver stiffness and assess whether fibrosis is improving, stable, or worsening. This helps in making informed decisions about treatment and disease management.
  4. Early Detection: Early detection of liver fibrosis is crucial, as it allows for timely intervention to prevent further progression to more advanced stages of liver disease, such as cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is a serious condition where extensive scar tissue disrupts normal liver function.
  5. Treatment Planning: Liver FibroScan results provide valuable information for healthcare providers to determine the appropriate treatment strategies for patients. Depending on the severity of fibrosis, different treatment options or lifestyle changes might be recommended.
  6. Reducing Biopsy Frequency: For individuals with chronic liver diseases that require ongoing monitoring, FibroScan can help reduce the need for frequent liver biopsies. Biopsies carry risks, including bleeding and infection, which can be minimized by using non-invasive techniques like FibroScan.
  7. Research and Clinical Trials: Liver FibroScan is also used in clinical research and trials focused on liver diseases. It allows researchers to study the effectiveness of new treatments, interventions, or medications in a less invasive manner.
  8. Patient Comfort: Many patients are reluctant to undergo invasive procedures like liver biopsy due to the associated discomfort and potential complications. Liver FibroScan offers a more patient-friendly approach to evaluating liver health.


However, it’s important to note that while Liver FibroScan is a valuable tool, it has its limitations. It provides an estimation of liver stiffness, which is a surrogate marker for fibrosis, rather than a direct assessment of liver tissue. Additionally, factors like obesity and ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdomen) can influence the accuracy of the results. As with any medical procedure, the results should be interpreted by qualified healthcare professionals in the context of the patient’s overall clinical picture.