
Address: 27 Welbeck Street, London, W1G 8EN
Tel: 020 7101 3377

COVID-19 Safety Measures

As a healthcare provider, we have remained open throughout the pandemic, with robust safety measures in place.

London Private Ultrasound intends to provide a safe working environment at all times. To reduce and limit infection contamination risk to the patients, sonographers and colleagues we established this safety measures. This is committed by examining our clinical area, work related activities as well as applying the principles of risk assessment during this pandemic.

We will continue to operate normal hour services, as long as we could achieve and maintain 4 core principles:

1) We follow the government guideline
2) we are permitted to remain open
3)  our team are well and are available to provide a safe service
4) we have a viable demand for our services

considering the above principles, we remain open and provide our normal services throughout the lockdown and pandemic. This has been formed to help many patients in need of diagnostic ultrasound services.

We follow the government guideline, put in place some protective measures to make sure we minimise or eliminate possible risks. We review the clinical safety measures on a weekly basis to make sure we maintain our patients and staff well informed of preventive steps we take. We advise all patients to follow the government guidelines and be extra cautious during this pandemic.

In accordance with the usage of Personal Protective Equipment Regulations (PPE) 1992, it is essential that appropriate PPE all our clinical staff and sonographers utilise the appropriate PPEs during any contact with patients.

As International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (ISUOG) highlighted in its safety statements (2020) sonographers are not able to keep the advised social distance from the patients due to the nature of their procedure, they need to take all necessary precautions including contact and droplet precautions.

This requires them to wear a surgical mask, gloves and apron and ensuring good hand hygiene and cleaning the equipment.
Surgical Masks to be worn during ultrasound scans, have to be three-ply surgical mask. Although the surgical masks do not need to be change between patients, it should be replaced as soon as it is damp.

Latex-free disposable gloves should be used during the ultrasound examination and changed after each patient. Washing hands is essential after each patient.

COVID-19 is denaturised by using clinical disinfecting products. All the equipment and surfaces which can be contaminated by patients or droplet must be cleaned to reduce the risk of spreading the virus.
Any equipment or part of the ultrasound rooms that might have become infected by contact or droplets such as the ultrasound machine, couch, keyboard, door handles, sink, payment machine and surfaces will be disinfection in between patients.

Patients who experience COVID-19 symptoms (suspected or confirmed) should let us know to re-arrange their appointment and not to attend London Private Ultrasound. They should self-isolate for the recommended 14 days in accordance with Public Health England guidelines and attend for their ultrasound scan after that period.

The clinical staff should also not to come to the clinic if they develop any COVID-19 symptoms.

Key Points:

• Our clinic remains OPEN during the lockdown and pandemic. The working hours would the same as usual.
• During this difficult time, the safety of our patients and team is at the heart of our practice.
• We will ask patients to fill a COVID-19 screening form during their booking process to make sure that it would be safe for them and others to come to their appointments.
• Anyone who is considered a risk would not be allowed to access any services.
• Patients would be advised to come to their appointments unaccompanied unless it is necessary.
• All unessential items including sofas, coffee tables, coffee machine, and water cooler have been removed from the clinic temporary.
• Patients will be asked to come to the ultrasound department using the side door to avoid exposure to the main hospital environment.

• One Patient would be allowed in the waiting area at time in order to practice social distancing.
• Anyone entering the premises has to wear a face cover and keep it on for whole time while they are in the clinic. If they do not have one, it will be provided by our staff.
• Patients will be asked to arrive only 5 minutes earlier than their appointment time.
• They will be asked to use alcohol gel at the point of entry and to scan NHS test and trace QR code.

• A sonographer assistant who is using appropriate PPE will take the patients’ body temperature and will accompany them to the ultrasound room.
• A sonographer who is also wearing essential PPE will perform scans for the patients.
• When the scan is over, the sonographer will keep 2 meters distance but will give the patients opportunity to ask their questions and will provide a full explanation of their scan.

• If any patient prefers to keep their visit short due to risk of COVID-19, they will be provided an email to ask their questions.
• No reports will be handed to the patients. All reports will be sent to the patient or referring to GP by email.

• The patients will be asked to wash their hands and use hand sanitiser before leaving the ultrasound room.

• They will be walked out of room and then out of premises by the sonographer who will keep doors open for them in order to reduce their risk of contacting with contaminated surfaces such as door handles.

If you would like to know more about the clinic and require more general ultrasound information then we are able to assist and advise and provide an extensive array of ultrasound services, each provided by a specialist within the clinical field.